Monday, October 6, 2008


haha. Never on the computer. But anyways I have spent the last...3 days? Playing and studying Final Fantasy XII. Nerdage. But whatever. I'm also kinda planning for some shitty interview I have. I hate being a good girl. It's miserable being me. Lol I kinda went all hyper today at Westfield. Pulling my friend around spending money on shit I dont need eating like a cow, the works. I got the Kingdom Hearts II Volume 1. I dont like ittt D: and I love KH! I just didnt like the style of this. Really abnormal for me. But I like Namine now =D
Soon I shall get every volume of it. Soon.
From $95, to $15. In like.. 4 hours? Set a new record for myself. Other then the manga I got a Byakuya Chain, Haruhi Chain, a gloomy bear wallet and a kimmidoll as a present for a friend. All that cost $80. I blame Borders for their outrageous prices. Anyways enough for now. Shakootya.

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